Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grand Canyon

What a place the Grand Canyon is. It was and is a place like I've never seen before. Each view was more beautiful than the last. We all had such great time running over the two days. We ran S-to-N (S. Kaibab-N. Kaibab) on Day 1, then N-to-S (N. Kaibab-Bright Angel) on Day 2. Words can't do it justice; neither will the pictures, but enjoy my feeble attempt.
(View from the top of the South Rim)

(We didn't listen)
(The fast-packing crew)

(Amazing color variation on the South Rim)

(Another amazing view)

(Some sweeeet single track)

(S. Kaibab buttery trails)

(Bridge across the Colorado R. on S.Kaibab)

(Dan posing at Phantom Ranch)

(Dan cruising)
(Roaring Springs)

(Bill through the keyhole)

(The crew and the unexpected snow before heading back Day 2)

(Watch your step; It's a long way down!)

(Nice trail, not so nice camera work)
(Suspension bridge over Colorado: Bright Angel Tr.)

(Heading up Bright Angel) (view back down Bright Angel. . . see ya next time GC!)
The trip to the GC was worth every second of travel and every penny spent. Definitely something that should be on every ultrarunners' bucket list. Here is a good logistical review if you would want to plan your own adventure. . . you should!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Time to Cross the Big Ditch

This is something I've always wanted to do. . . run the Grand Canyon. I absolutely can't wait!

Friday, May 7, 2010

MMT 100

This coming weekend will be the first time in the past three years that I won't be running the Massanutten Mountain Trails 100 Mile Run. This is a very special race to me. It was my first 100- running just 2 weeks after becoming a newlywed. Asking your wife to crew you for a 100 miler (your first nonetheless) is probably not the most ideal way to start a marriage. Seems to have worked out fine though . . . Everything else is roses after that!

This year the competition looks good- I'd love to be in the mix! I'll have fun following along at home, but here are some to watch:

Sean Andrish 20:49 PR- super fast and always tough
Keith Knipling 21:07 PR- I think he's going for MMT #11: Maybe his year?
Karsten Brown-1st MMT, but just set a CR last weekend at Capon Valley (tapering?)
Joe Kulak 20:38 PR ('06)- dude's tough, nuff said.
Mike Mason 20:43 PR- ran awesome here last year. Expect a repeat performance
Don Padfield 22:16 PR- solid and consistent
Harland Peelle 22:27 PR- coming back after a tour in Iraq last year; He's hungry for the rocks!
Mario Raymond 22:39 PR- always in the mix to pick up the scraps.
Aaron Schwartzbard 26:14 PR('06)- capable of much faster; definitely the most leg speed in the field.
Chris Reed 22:42- Very consistent, fast, and running well.
Mark Tanaka- 1st MMT but very experienced
Todd Walker 19:13 ('06) 19:24 ('05) PR's- knows how to win it and won't blow-up.
I'll be down at the Dirty Dog 15K volunteering on Saturday. I'd love to be at MMT just watching the carnage. This is going to be a good race up front with many of the guys being fairly evenly matched. Hide the women and children!
Any guesses on top 3?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Slowly but Surely

16 days of running now- the knee is not 100%, but good enough to sustain a 3 hour beating on the trails of Cheat Mtn. Tuesday. For this, I am very thankful.

I've pushed hard (maybe harder than I should) to get back in shape quickly. The upcoming trip to the Grand Canyon is looming. This has been planned for quite a while and missing it would be horrible to say the least. I'm super excited to get this opportunity to visit such a beautiful place. Just got to make sure I'm fit enough to not get stuck in the Big Ditch!