Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Last of the Recaps

This is my last Trail Racing Recap for RunningTimes.com.  It has been fun writing this column for nearly a year now, but it has become increasingly difficult to keep up with work, life, and especially all my preparations in leaving for the AT in only 5-weeks.

Justin Mock will be taking over and I'm excited for this as he is an accomplished writer.  He will do an excellent job . . . so keep reading!


  1. Adam: you have done a tremendous job with the racing recap! I've REALLY enjoyed the fact that I knew you personally when I was reading your writings on runningtimes.com :o)

    SO excited about your journey that lies ahead! you are going to do so well!!! I can't wait to share some time on and off trail with you and kadra as you journey through our neck of the woods!

    take care and hope to see you soon!


  2. Adam,
    Thanks for all your hard work with the Running Times weekly trail racing recap. You've done a tremendous job keeping the world in the loop about trail racing. Well done! (Now go run!)

  3. Thanks Jenny and Bryon for the kind words. I'm ready to change gears!

  4. Adam, I agree with everything Jenny and Bryon have said. You have done an amazing job and I have enjoyed reading every recap. I am not a writer, but I know Byron knows just how much time that takes. I can only imagine. Thank you for the past year of keeping us informed. Now on to the next adventure! AT or Bust!
