Monday, September 6, 2010

Superior Sawtooth 100 Mile

I am very excited to make the trip to MN tomorrow to run the Superior Sawtooth 100 on Friday.  This nearly 100% single-track course follows the Superior Hiking Trail and what looks like some amazing terrain and scenery along Lake Superior.  I think this course is going to be right up my alley - 20,000 ft. of gain and loss on technical trails. . . it doesn't get much better!  Expect a full report of the suffering and maybe some pics of the carnage next week.  I'm off to do battle with the SHT!


  1. Adam, A bit late here (as you have probably already left), but I wish you a wonderful run and have fun when you are not running too. Be safe. My prayers will be with you. Rick

  2. Rick- We're on our way, but I'm using my nifty toy that Kadra got me for my b-day(I-touch) I appreciate your and everyone else's prayers most of all. 100's are a tough test physically, but far more of a mental and spiritual struggle for me. Just please pray for Kadra's safety crewing and for me to stay strong and glorify God through my running. Prayer and the knowledge of the prayers of others is what will get me through the always tough final miles.

  3. Thank goodness for birthdays. Always nice to have a loving wife to give us those things we really don't want to spend the money on. Those things that we really don't need, but yet they sure are nice to have. Kadra will certainly be in my prayers. As Tammy almost always crews for me, I know that crewing is as bad as running. It takes a special talent to put up with us for so long and then to be able to encourage us the whole time. You both are going to have great fun and I know you both will be proud of the outcome of your race.

  4. Sending good thoughts and prayers "the morning of"! Looking forward to hearing about the adventure.
